Saturday 5 April 2008

Boutique owner and a photographer falling through the middle section of the runway floor

March 27,2008 charleston
This is the first year in Charleston Fashion Week for the recently opened boutique K.Morgan and the crowd burst into applause at the fresh new looks.
When the owner herself stepped onstage to take a bow, the applause swelled with appreciation when all of a sudden the woman took a misstep and plunged through the middle section of the runway floor.
Photographers stormed toward her, when one of them also tripped and fell into the hole.
No one popped up to show they were okay, rather the poor lady crawled the length of the runway on the ground to the safety of backstage.
Eventually K. Morgan came back on stage for a victory walk. Luckily no one was hurt and it was all a fluke deal.
Apparently all the models and store owners did a dress rehearsal walk the day before, but Ms. Morgan had missed the practice run.
What she didn’t know was the middle of the floor was actually just sheer fabric to allow light from below and only the periphery was actually runway.

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